
Friday, August 6, 2010


Try, try and try again. I love the word “try”. To me, the word “try” is a super hero action word that invites an individual to attempt to do something and not worry so much about the results. To “try” means to break out of one’s shell, to go on an adventure, to boldly go where one has not gone before. If the results of the effort is fabulous, that is a bonus and one can bask in their success, and hopefully share it with others. If the results of the effort is less than favorable, then it can serve as a learning experience (or a good laugh), but to try and try again is a must. So go ahead and try. Take the creative “try”al challenge with me.

Last year I made a creative “try”al challenge that I am going to continue. Each week I “try” to (1) make a card, (2) finish a scrapbook page, (3) make some sort of craft and (4) try a recipe I have never tried before. I was not always 100%, but it was a goal to shoot for and I became more productive that way. Every Friday I will post my “try”als. So enough typing already and on with the creating and “trying”!!!

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